Ready within 24 hours

We Take the Burden Out of Doing Laundry !

We Take the Burden Out
of Doing Laundry !

In today’s world, who’s not busy ! That’s why we’ll pick-up your laundry, Wash & Fold it and deliver it right to your door within 24 hours in Gatineau and Ottawa region, on a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly basis. We’re here to help lighten the load !

How It Works ?

🌱 Our eco-friendly approach 🌱

At You got laundry? , we are committed to reducing our environmental impact. 

For instance, we use eco-friendly cleaning products that are gentle on the environment

and safe for your clothes.


We take pride in our eco-friendly approach, and we are constantly looking for new ways 

to improve our environmental practices.

Why Choose a Subscription Plan for Your Laundry Needs ?

If you’re looking for a hassle-free way to keep your clothes clean and fresh, a subscription plan may be the perfect option for you. Unlike paying by weight, where you have to constantly monitor your laundry and pay for each load separately, a subscription plan allows you to have a set number of loads done every month for a fixed price.


Not only does this give you peace of mind and save you time, but it can also be a more cost-effective choice in the long run. With a subscription plan, you can budget for your laundry needs and avoid unexpected expenses.

🌱 eco-friendly🌱

At You got laundry? , we are committed to reducing our environmental impact. 

For instance, we use eco-friendly cleaning products that are gentle on the environment

and safe for your clothes.

We take pride in our eco-friendly approach, and we are constantly looking for new ways 

to improve our environmental practices.

Why a Subscription ?

If you’re looking for a hassle-free way to keep your clothes clean and fresh, a subscription plan may be the perfect option for you. Unlike paying by weight, where you have to constantly monitor your laundry and pay for each load separately, a subscription plan allows you to have a set number of loads done every month for a fixed price.


Not only does this give you peace of mind and save you time, but it can also be a more cost-effective choice in the long run. With a subscription plan, you can budget for your laundry needs and avoid unexpected expenses.

Here's Your New laundry Bag!

You got laundry? large bag wash & fold price

it's SIMPLE !

Stuff your large bags as much as possible. Leave your bag on the porch or on your doorstep for a quick pickup. No more laundromat!

$1.37 a DAY !

*On selected subscription plan ( Medium bag Monthly )